
Missions Trip to LA



Finger of God (Film) part 10 of 10

Poetry of Mine

Discrete lies pretending to
Masquerade as the way the ocean lies:
Salty and sweet, but with the intent
To take you deeper into [[[[[monotonous]]]]]
We act as if moments in time will
Wrap our heads around these small
Momentary afflictions of comfort
To know we can promise something;
As lies pour out of my mouth:
Salty and sweet
Ending to a girl that has yet to speak.
A poem for every girl that has felt ashamed to speak because of the powers of materialism and darkness that has taken her innocence//


My ministry is birthed through my healing

God just healed my eyes!!! I've always wanted to be an ophthalmologist that healed peoples' eyes. My prescription was +2.75, but the Lord just told me to take out my contacts, and I will see. So, I did, and he healed me!!!! Thank you Jesus!! God that your bigger than any disease! Love you, Jesus. He told me to donate my glasses, and throw away my contacts!!

Even Now... Here's my Heart, God

So, I must admit it's quite frustrating to see that peoples' joy and contentment comes from external appearance. Honestly, I was the same way, and probably am still the same way. Doesn't mean it's not annoying. I just pray the eyes of my heart are enlightened to see God's work in the hearts of man. Honestly, it's been an issue on my heart, lately. I remember thinking I never wanna weigh as much as her, etc. But, I realize it's not about that. It's about making you fear God, knowing that he's bigger than anything your mind thinks. Self-confidence issues are HUGE in women in the church, but I know confidence only comes in knowing your identity in Christ Jesus. God wants to close any door of insecurity.

Running so Fast, yet trouble ahead.

So when you see danger, you usually run the opposite direction. Hm, when my brother saw that his shoes were getting ruined in the mud, he kept walking on the mud. When I was walking to classes, I always wanted to take the shortcut at Minglewood Bowl. My perception of the grass being wet was always wrong, but I always would take the chance. So, when I went in haste, it ended in waste. Wasted time worrying about the shoes I just ruined. So you think you're saving time by taking the hasty shortcut, but the Lord wants us to be patient, as he was with us. The only way shortcut we must take is to get out of temptations!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how MUCH God hears us. Does he hear the prayer of the sinner? He must have when I cried out to him, and suddenly my life changed for Him. What about the sinner who doesn't have much money, love, or time. Isn't God sovereign enough to save even the worshipers of Ba'al when cry out to their god. I think he might point them to John 14:6. If other people can't tell that Christians bring light into this dark world, then what is the point to be a Christian. There is none: we must share and give the light Jesus instilled in us. He filled us up with his light, so that we may shine for the world to see. Christians are called out to go into the world and make disciples, SHARING the good news. Church is a great way to cultivate your growth in grace and love. You learn to minister to people who you never thought you could help, but through the Holy Spirit, anything is possible. So run the race, knowing that the Holy Spirit is  your guide, but don't run with haste, otherwise you'll waste time.  There is new hope in Christ, hope to start over again. That a new day only begins with Christ. My prayer is this that you might attain the fullness of Christ himself, and that the false movement of Christianity will be sufficed by the true revival of God's Spirit on Earth. So God, Let your kingdom come, Lord.