
Beauty from Ashes

Giving them a garland instead of ashes...
Isaiah 61:3

What if I told you the World Trade Center Towers were still standing today?

We (as a people) would be celebrating and rejoicing. We have seen pictures of the rubble that was left of the towers on that horrific day. But, imagine if you saw the same towers restored. For example, when you are browsing Google Chrome and you lose all your open tabs due to an unexpected crash, Google Chrome has an option where you can choose to restore the lost tabs due to the crash. Google Chrome makes me happy.

Imagine if you could go back in time and make one last memory by someone you love or once loved. It's as if time never passed. It's as if everything in the world has stopped for this moment. If I could make one more memory with my dad, it would be at my wedding, if I ever get married.


Isaiah 58.12

Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations; And you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell.

Imagine a slave girl in rags, dirty, filthy, abandoned, and naked. Now, this woman was caught in adultery, having sex or something like that with another man that was not her husband. The religious leaders said matter of fact-ly to Jesus that the law commanded to stone such a woman. Jesus let her go and told her to sin no more. She now had the opportunity that she would have never had, to be pure, unadulterated, fully alive and fully free in the kingdom of God. Her value was restored. She was not a used piece of ass anymore. 

This is the Bride of Christ, fully free from sin (John 8.36). Bill Johnson mentioned in his Sunday evening message, that Jesus will come back for a bride the is equally yoked to him. He will not come back for a bride that is unequally yoked to Him. Equally yoked is a fancy term for someone that mirrors the very image of God. God is pure love. Pure love is defined in 1 Corinthians 13. Imagine a bride adorned from head to toe in magnificent wonder. Full of love for her bridegroom, as her bridegroom is filled with adoration for her.

In my transition to adulthood, I have been to 4 weddings.

At the first one, I felt overwhelming love for the bride. The second one, I felt a supernatural peace. Finally, at third one, I felt joy unspeakable. The word in Hebrew is Hephzibah, meaing my delight is in her. The 4th one, I was just happy to be there.

There is still much work to be done.

God really can change the world through His Bride.

Beauty from Ashes is a huge deal for the Lord. He loves seeing his humans made new in Christ Jesus, born again, born of His will. (John 1, 2 Corinthians 5.17)

The same word "beauty" is used for what the bridegroom adorns himself with the brides beauty.

The Jesus people are being built together into a spiritual house. (Ephesians 2.22; 1 Peter 2.5) That means we are always one with Jesus, so he can live together within our bodies. (Haggai 2.9) This verse explains no building can contain the love, joy, and peace of the Holy Spirit that is in believers today.

People on the streets and other places need to believe that we are in it to win it. #kingdomcome

Imagine a heart full of puzzle pieces, Jesus wants all his children do what he wants them to do, which is the funnest, most creative life you can choose to live. Being sold-out for Jesus is a term used to mean that nothing but Jesus can fit into your little human body. In this puzzle-piece heart, Jesus is looking for all his family. The family of God is the best family ever. We are known by our love for each other. If you ever go out and become a full-time minister, look for the the person worthy of having a family member living there and stay there until persecution or until you are ready to go out to the next city. I want to find as many missing puzzle pieces that complete the heart of God. The thing is, guys, is that God chooses us all the time, but some of us choose not to love him back. Conditional love says, I will choose you if you choose me. God will always love us, even if we do not choose him back.

Believe that God has made you in this image is the first step to seeing people the way God sees them. Follow Jesus and he will teach you how to catch humans hearts, souls, and minds, and save them from the death that is coming for all those who do not believe in the Holy Spirit (resurrection life) of Jesus. #gottacatchthemall