
Wrap it Up

To every beginning there's an end.

But, sometimes, as humans, we like to milk the ending. Make sure the moment lasts "forever."

We see people doing this at wedding, trying to keep their memories "safe & sound" paying the photographer & videographer thousands of dollars to make sure the moment...


F  O  R  E  V  E  R

In Arabic, we have a word that means "to spoil" or "to touch and/or treat kindly or tenderly."

Delal is the word.

So, today, capture the moment, and spoil the world.

Touch someone's life and live with #noregrets.



#myDNA mvmnt.

Despair. Integrity. 

The last stage of life, according to Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development.

Will you despair at your life, while reflecting on it from a ripe age of 65+?

Or will you have lived a life full of integrity; wholeness!

#myDNA says I will have lived a life full of love and intention. Knowing that there is a God who loves me and is for me. Who literally changes the lifespan of society AND makes me feel the pain of others as a sign of his coming.


A technique used to manipulate mass audiences is fear. A weapon against fear is simply putting up your shield of faith. [eph6] Believing the lies of the enemy is so easy, especially if we have found ourselves spending time with him.


What does your DNA say? What were you born for? Will you stay true to your calling? Or will you >>>FADE AWAY<<<

Join the #myDNA mvmnt. Ask God what you were born for.

Esther was born for such a time as this. And so are you. Belong. Believe. Become. And remember, if God is with you, he is for you (thanks Pastor Judah!).

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In our culture, we so highly encourage participation. But, what if you are just meandering through life. For example, you are walking through the busy New York City streets after a haywire day at the JFK airport. You really do not want to talk to anyone, and if you do, it's the person you accidentally brushed shoulders with while speed walking to the nearest subway station. You never think of engaging someone in a conversation or looking up from texting to find the man of your dreams standing right at the corner bakery where you get your morning espresso.


Do you ever feel like you are observing life instead of participating in life? 

How much of our life do we actually count? Does all of our life count? Or are there some days where we can slack off or pretend we don't care? How many days have you spent crying out to God about the same sin you have been struggling with for years, when he is more than capable to fulfill your every need and set you free?

The manna that sustained Moses and the people of Israel in the desert will also sustain you! Jesus tells us that he will take care of us. He even uses an addendum,"Oh, you of little faith!," to make himself more clear.

So, what's your excuse for not marrying that girl, not writing that book, or not starting that startup? Think LOUDER. Allow your life to speak volumes to other people not only as a testimony of God's goodness, but also the case for Christ.

This also begs the question: What is my purpose in life? What I am here for? Who on earth would put me on this planet to just eat, sleep, drink, socialize, party, skate, and then die? Oh, I forgot work.