


Thoughtful Testimony

(5 min read)

It was MY day in 2nd grade, at 8 years of age, the day a word (specifically, an adjective) the class or teacher chose for me would be forever etched into my memory.

Note: Hey, ruling at age 8 is amazing, just ask King Josiah! He became King of Judah at age 8 and reigned for 31 years. So hey, if you are 8 and reading this, I am NOT by any means looking down on you. Keep reading, KING and QUEEN!

I had been looking forward to this day for the whole school year!

I wanted to know what other people thought about me! We'll talk about this subject more later.

When it comes to me, I seemed as though to be the last one chosen for everything.

For example, even in Kindergarten, I waited to take attendance to the office in a similar fashion: anxiously.Of course, the only reason I wanted to take attendance down to the office was so I could choose my Kindergarten crush, Adam, to go with me. I was excited to be chosen so I could choose Adam. What boldness! 

Back to 2nd grade...

The day I was chosen, again. I don't remember the EXACT details of the project, but I knew that I was going to have the best day of my life. Let's just say the project was the equivalent to an "About Me" page.

So, it went something like this: the students voted on a particular word for me and I was rendered with this word...


I got this word in 2nd grade, and was so excited! My fellow peers and teacher had something actually nice to say about me. At this young age, was I already dealing with insecurites of what other people thought of me? Yes. Let's chat about this later, I said! ;)

I became thoughtful that day - even in my high school yearbook (10 years later) I was tagged under 'be thoughtful' when explaining a senior class t-shirt to Senior Class Cabinet. [see subheading: be original] But hey, check it out! Guess what God thinks of me?

For I know the thoughts I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)

One day, at McLennan Community College during Anatomy class in 2012, I heard the Lord say, simply:

"You think about the ones you love"

Boy, Jesus was telling me something. That He has been thinking about me. And oh, does He love me. 

How precious are your thoughts towards me, O Lord. How vast the sum of them! If I were to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. And when I awake, I am still with you. 
Psalm 139:17-18

This word from the Lord triggered another memory that I had on the bus home from elementary school:
'I wish I had something to think about'

Reversing this, now, I have someone to think about and I always thank God for the people in my life, especially His Son, Jesus. I also have these things to think about: 

Philippians 4:8 (NASB)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Finally, I want to conclude this blog post with this, my testimony. When I was 16, I got in a car with one of my best friends, Brooke. I was drunk and blacked out, and the only thing I remember is opening up the car door and crying, "I just don't know what my dad thinks about me."  My friend turned around in the car and screamed, "What the F*** are you doing, Amy? Shut the door!" So, my other friend in the backseat reaches over and slams the door, and I go back into my blackout world. 

Then, the next day, I decided to pick up this invitation my friend, Stephen, gave me in Sociology class. Little did I know the real reason the guy next to me dropped the class! 

This class was the only class that did not get switched around in my schedule because the guidance counselor, Mrs. Bowman, had to deal with a couple indicidents from the last semester to get me back on track for graduating on time. I was going through all this as a sophomore! 

So, Stephen gave me a little invitation that said: 'BIG.' I had a big ego, so I proceeded to put it on the nametag part of my backpack. 

So, I went to church that day. And it was amazing. Pastor Nathan Grubb was speaking about Kurt Cobain from Nirvana and suicide, and I realized that could have been me. I gave my life to Jesus that night all over again, and my brother got saved as well. Let me tell you it was challenging enough getting into the buidling.

I pray that as you seek his face - he becomes your One and Only. And as we grow as people who know what he thinks of us, may all other thoughts from the world, flesh, and sin disappear in the light of the cross.

He's saying right now, church, you are the ones that I love.


The Little Girl that Showed me the World

There was a little girl that I met on the Greyhound bus from Redding to Los Angeles on my mini-vacation to Redding last week.

I didn't understand her name, but I understood her laugh! Her laugh was contagious and full of joy! We were playing a game on NickJr.com and there was a character running into a bird, and everytime her character would crash into a bird, she would bust out laughing!


But, it is. What makes us laugh, makes us laugh and what makes us cry, makes us cry. Is it wrong to feel like we're running in circles: with people, emotions, relationships, or things?

Is God always hiding from us? Where is He?

He was in that little girl's laugh. She showed me up on years of days that I have been listening to sermon after sermon, this little girl showed me up. Does Jesus need a sermon to be known? Does he need a worship playlist? Does he need a really spiritual book or devotional? I am not ragging on these things, but what is greater is that he can show up however he wants to whoever he wants whenever he wants. Who is it to us for us to determine where he decides to put his Presence?

Now, this little girl is plundering a pathway for people to just believe again: to be merciful, to be kind, to experience God in a new way.

I think my lonliness has brought me out into a corner and now I am finally beginning to realize that God is with me.

The times where I didn't feel like moving forward because I didn't get to see the priceless memories that would have been made almost 10 years down the road with my precious cousin and best friend, Lance Corporal Faris Abbassi. If only he was still here.

I don't know why the Lord took my cousin so early, as you may have heard the good die young. And in fact, they do. But what pulls me closer to God during this uncertain time of Covid-19 is believing his promise in His Son. Believing that I will see my cousin again and in that day, I will have much rejoicing as I have the reward of my faith, Jesus.

If in fact Jesus is all we need in this life, we will understand that His promises will never fail us.

I'm turning over a new page in this life, beginning to see the beauty in every deatil, even a little girl laughing so sponstaneously at her game made me think there is a brighter tomorrow, filled with rays of hope, as soon as I get my focus off myself and allow Him to make my world like His in Heaven.

She left crying. I was disappointed too! I don't think she was crying to leave me, but to leave the computer. Little does she know her life is going to be filled with more memories, more laughs, and more fun. She was the little girl that changed my world.

She was the little girl that reminded me of the times I spent with my little sister in Indiana. These times hold so much value, if only I could have showed them as much of the Jesus I knew. He is the prized possession, and our magnificent obsession. He is our all-in-all.

Provided with hope, He will encourage us, intercede for us, and give us all we need to live this life filled with godliness and holiness. He is truly above it all.



Titanic: "Is there anybody alive out there?"

Being in Quarantine got me like, "IS ANYBODY ALIVE OUT THERE?"

Despite our current circumstances, we have the convenience of online social platforms to make our lives a little lighter in Quarantine.

Although social distancing can be frustrating to say the least, there are people that need us to be 100% commited to this process, as their health depends on our honoring of the system.

But, when quarantne is over, people will be excited to hear more about Jesus. Jesus is asking, "Is anybody alive out there?" And we respond with our weak whistle blow, and he comes and rescues us from the waters so deep. We hear the VOICE of hope that give us HOPE and courage to HOPE and respond to his question that bears witness within our souls that we are in need of a Savior.


When the captain is checking the water for people in Titanic this is how it feels to be in quarantine.

To God, we are most of the time saying, "Can anybody hear me?"


In the above scene, there is so much hope when you hear the whistle. Rose does not give up. Even when she lost her beloved.

Where does your hope come from?

Are you waiting for COVID-19 to be over? Then, you will have hope?

As believers, our HOPE is fully set when our rescuer is coming back to this Earth to receive the reward of his sufferings, his bride, his glorious church.


Culturally Unaware

Friend of Sinners. Loving the Tax Collector?

I don't know about you, but my Jesus takes on the role of the "culturally unaware."

He has had the tendency to go beyond the boundary lines of society, and love the leper and the destitute. He transcends the lines.

A true KING goes past the lines drawn to find people.

Makes me wonder...

I want to act as if I am "culturally unaware." For example, I want my culture to influence the culture around me, not vice versa. If I walk into an environment where no one talks to the poor or "needy," I want to reach out to the person that needs someone to talk to rather than just a handout of some measly dollar bills, or some Benjamins, if you please. :)

Jesus was well aware of the culture of his day, but decided to act "culturally unaware." He was not a product of the society, even though he influenced everyone from the woman at the well (John 4) to the Pharisees and teachers of the law.

What is the way you will make your mark on today's culture?

Kobe made his mark on culture. And we are in a "cultural moment."

When I went to the LA LIVE Center, next to the Staples Center the Sunday Kobe and Gianna passed away, fans were chanting "Kobe, Kobe, Kobe!"

The excitment in the air was palpable.

Someone even stole my wallet! It was so croweded, like a concert.

But, the greatness of Kobe's legacy could be felt in the air. See this picture of the time.

I was just excited to feel the greatness of the person he was.

I want to be remembered, and I want to leave a legacy.


White Out the Storm

We've all heard the the saying "ride it out" or "ride out the storm."

Kinda saying just stick around and see what happens- good or bad.

Well,  I suggest we "White Out the Storm" instead of "Ride Out the Storm."

When you white out something, you correct a mistake, and nothing that is beneath the white out is seen.

White it out. Everything the winds, the waves, the lightening, the thunder.

Matthew 14:28-33

28 Peter said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” 29 And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. 33 And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”

The Bible says, "seeing the wind," Peter became frightened, even though he was already walking on water.

Can you believe this?

What if Peter "whited out" the wind, and did not see the wind. He would have not sank. His focus would have been deliberately on Jesus.

If the storm is distracting us from looking to Jesus, we must WHITE OUT the storm! In verse 32, we clearly see that the wind completely stops when they are back in the boat together.

When we are taking huge steps of faith, it may be easy to doubt God because we are scared of what we see going on around us, but Jesus still saves. The wind isn't even a problem anymore once they are inside the boat together!

Let's look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith! Even Peter's faith was being protected and nourished at this moment.

This is probably one of the most action-packed stories of the Bible, Jesus being heroic: strecthing out his hand and essentially taking hold of him. Jesus is STRONG!

That's it, thoughts for the day, folks!