
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

When you have a big test tomorrow, and the test counts for a huge portion of your grade, what do you do? You can: A) Be the good student and start studying 2 weeks in advance as though the test was the next day or B) Be the procrastinating student and start studying the night before the test.

Either road you choose, you pay the price. Choosing to be student A could get you better results, but you will have to make sacrifices and be self-disciplined. How desperate are you for a good grade? Choosing to be student B could result in crashing after the test day. Again, how desperate are you for a good grade?

The reward for the student's work is an A. Simple.

Another example is from Crossfit Hoka Hey...

People want to reach their fitness goals. How desperate are you? Do you want to get fit for a wedding? I am. So, I am working out. The best thing I can do is go every day. Costing me time and money. I also have to be self-disciplined. Just as a bride makes herself ready for her wedding day, so should Christians make themselves ready for eternity.

When you are facing eternity tomorrow, and your whole life will be judged by God, what do you do? You can: A) Choose to accept Jesus as Savior to cover your sins and save you from eternal death (mercy) or B) Choose to reject Jesus as Savior and face judgment from God for your sins and face the consequence of eternal death.

How desperate are you to be with Jesus forever? Some people want their rewards on this earth. Again, there is a cost to save your life on Earth. There was a cost for the Rich Young Ruler inherit eternal life: he had to sell all his possessions and give to the poor. Let's just say, he walked away from the deal Jesus put on the table.

What makes you tick? What makes you desperate?

You can choose to run from your problems, like I used to... or train yourself to fight the good fight of faith.

My reward will be in heaven.

"Welcome home, my beloved Child." is better than any A I have earned.

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