
The Pursuit of HappYness: 2018

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Chris Gardener (Will Smith) reading to his son, Christopher Jr.

If everything you ever dreamed of was right in your reach, would you still work hard to reach those goals? 

Only time can tell where you are going. There are major indicators to tell a man where the direction of his life his going. Whether or not we came here for a reason, we must be willing to adjust our outlook to keep in step with the Spirit of God. Many people think the major indicators of poverty is a mindset or attitude. It's not the people of the future that will change history, it’s the people now. There is nothing in this life that is out of reach when you follow Jesus. He extends his immeasurable amount of grace to the people that follow diligently after him. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) 

#youremyconstant @brianjohnsonm
There would be no point to. Dreams are supposed to be impossible. Dreams of God are supposed to change the world and change people's views of eternity. 

Will Smith’s life was let's just say, below par, when he was trying to sell state-of-the-art medical equipment. He knew his potential, and was unafraid to go for his dream of taking care of his child, and even having a little extra in the bank, but having a little extra in the bank does not necessarily mean you have found what you are looking for in this life. #jesusisalwaysenough 

If you are looking to be "squeaky clean," whether it be a squeaky clean image or have you, you must  know your identity in Christ.

Some people get rich or die trying. If we had access to all the financial resources in this world... wouldn't everything be perfect? We would have the dream house, the dream car, the dream business, even maybe the dream marriage, but if we realize that even in these things, we cannot attain what our soul is lacking.

Mark 8:36 says, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"

My uncle has told me to: "Forget Jesus." This is because of the hard calling Jesus has placed on His followers. Jesus says things like, "Let the dead bury the dead."

Everyone wants to be part of something bigger, something greater. We all have choices to make, and this life is #nonintendogame. Many of us continue to battle what decisions to make on a day-to-day basis. No decision is going to take you away from God's love, but you need to take notice of the door that is opened in the below picture. It's the colored one. We know that God will point us in the right direction in order that we choose the best option. He's not scared of us making the wrong decisions. He plans 10,000 steps ahead of us, and if we just realize that "He is Able," we will see his goodness overflow to us all.

Dreams do come true if you follow Me...but not just any dream of yours, but dreams that your life and spirit would be filled with great joy and peace as you believe in Him. 

Say you had all the money you needed to attain those dreams, but you lacked the motivation and courage to get there. In all aspects of life, we must be willing to change our direction in order to attain the dreams God has placed in our hearts.

Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." 


If you have ever seen the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith becomes a huge success because he never gives up #jesusnevergivesup. He is determined to get himself and hison out of  poverty. A scene that is particularly daunting is when Will Smith is literally running late for an interview with the big boss of the company he is trying to work for. So, now we are going to go to the next scene. 

In the next scene, Will Smith changes direction he becomes what he paid himself or invested himself to be. He always was what he made himself to be, but at the end of the movie, #allthatendswell, his son will #exceedhisexpectations.

Let’s make 2018, a door of hope for a generation called to freedom from sin, sickness, disease, and poverty.

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