
One Step Ahead

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29:11

There was this girl in front of me walking down 6th street, and I thought, 'What if I was in her place; just one step ahead.' I did not try to catch up to her, but instead I waited for the walking signal to turn green to cross. 

Do you ever feel left out or left behind?

I do.

Being in a new city is especially hard because you have to work from the inside out to make friends; and of course, depending what city you are in, people will either welcome you with open arms or despise even the thought of "penciling you in." I found it to be remarkably hard in this day and age to not feel left out. Community is at the core of what type of people Jesus is looking for his bride to become.     

When left to our own devices, a miracle is required to get us out. Whether it be sexual sin or addiction, our job is to GO OUT and LOVE. Not everyone is lovable. Not everyone is addicted or in sin, but if we are community is there to bring us back to the WORD.

Everyone seems like they're moving forward with their life, yet sometimes does it ever feel like you are running in circles. The job you just got keeps you busy, but what about the dreams you had when you first got saved or rededicated your life to Jesus?

I see it all. God says. And He still pours out his knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to those who seek Him. It's time to be that person who is "One Step Ahead."

On that note I'll end with this:

One step:
That's all it took
For me to see the beauty
that was forsook
Chains broken is what 
my heart opened to when
Teardrops of mercy 
Brought me into a 
W   I    D   E open space
of grace & yet the collateral 
damage of the past has yet to haunt me
because when I speak in these lines
It all makes sense...
why you bought me, why you took me in &
made me yours. 
Dispense, O heavens, and
Mark my grave. Because everywhere His hand
has touched me has streamlined into a beauty mark, 
Now, nothing is lost, and everything is found.
No lie in hell can pretend and no devil can shame
The way He looks at me 
When I am

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