
I don't got a name, lady!

And it finally happened. I never thought it would. What, you may ask? Take a look at this video, then read on:
I just finished my first bike ride - and I was at the trail's water fountain getting a drink. My friend had went back to help our other friend catch up. So, I was waiting at the end of the trail alone. My drink was one of refreshing to me savoring the few gulps I took after a hike up the last hill. Just as I finished, I glanced up aspiring my next destination, home. Just on the other side of the street, there he was, the man with no name. He was approaching the water fountain. So, I watched him take his soda bottle and fill it with water. I was a little confused thinking, "Why would he want a half bottle of pop and a half bottle of water?" Then, I decided to ask the question...
"Are you hungry?," I asked.
"No..." he said.
"Oh, you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said.
"What's your name?" I asked. As I asked, Micah's line wrapped through the crevices of my mind, and with a nanosecond of warning, I knew what words were coming.
"I got no name, lady." he remarked.
I had no response for a good 20 seconds, and by that time he was walking away. Thoughts were running through my head, and I grasped onto one. I remembered that Heidi Baker gave someone a name that had no name. So, I shouted out to him, your name is beloved. I don't know if he heard me, but I know that he was loved by God, and that's all that mattered. As I went home, I needed to watch Micah's poem again. Was the man afraid what I would think if he told me his name? Did he have some regrets? Who was this man without a name? Beloved.

Isaiah 54:10 (MSG)
For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won't walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart." The God who has compassion on you says so.

Maybe, just maybe, everyone walked away, and there was no use for a name anymore.


Iron Man 3 | Robert Downey Jr.

I was recently looking back at a project from 10th grade.
I was so happy to find Robert Downey Jr.'s face in this setting:
This is what I wrote while I was attending Lake Central High School, Spring of 2007...
Under "Famous People I want to meet"

5. ROBERT DOWNEY JR.- Just give the man an Oscar already. I think he is a great actor and a down-to-earth person. He has actually went through rehabilitation for drugs and I think he has changed dramatically after that. He is also really handsome. 

I wanted to meet him! I still do. This time to tell him about Christ, the hope of glory. I saw Iron Man 3 with my cousin, Omar, this past Friday. It was full of action. My favorite scene was when Iron Man goes into Air Force 1 situation. People are falling towards the earth towards death at an unstoppable speed, but Iron Man comes in and has each one hold another's hand, creating momentum. This reminded me of God's love... he is constantly pursuing us with momentum. 
Another scene that reminded me God loved me was at the end when Iron Man wins the game and fireworks (of all the other Marks versions) go off. I love fireworks!
Go see this movie, and pray I meet Mr. Downey...soon.


We win, Gracie!

We have all heard the saying, 'Stop and smell the roses.' Do you remember a time you said this to someone you cared about? Do you remember a time this was said to you? If you don't, that's okay.

The phrase's systematic use is to change a persons' perspective on his day/life, not necessarily to offend the party.

On Tuesday, I had the privilege to sit-in on a 2nd year BSSM (Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry) class with Kris Vallotton. After the class, I met with the hero (friend) of my story.

Her name is Olga. After Kris spoke, I met her in the parking lot. She shared with the pain of my unchanging circumstance. She encouraged me that we are not supposed to make life harder, it is already hard enough. During this time in the car, I recollected memories of where I thought I would be in life... and what these memories of the heart surprisingly brought in was JOY in the midst of my pain. 
A scene-by-scene lifespan ran through my head:
One of me smelling roses, one of me running through a wide-open field of grass (Psalm 23), and finally, a scene of Grace (Liz Taylor) in Armageddon hoping against hope. 

For example, if my friend was in a difficult unchanging circumstance, I would say (at some point in the conversation) have you stopped to smell the roses? There is always good to be found despite circumstances. 

There is always rest to be found in the midst difficult circumstances. "Oh Great God, Give us Rest," by David Crowder  Band is a beautiful worship song to bless you. Psalm 23 is my place in God's story, running in open fields, where time and space seem trivial compared to God's vastness and beauty. (Thank you, Larena for this)

In the 1998 movie Armageddon, Harry (Bruce Willis) sacrifices himself for the sake of his daughter's future with A.J. Frost (Ben Affleck) and for the future of the world. In the final scene, A.J. Frost states, "Harry doesn't know how to fail." A.J. demonstrates faith in Harry. Of course, this is like God. The God of the Bible doesn't know how to fail. He never fails us, he is unfailing love (read the Book). Before Harry preses the button to detonate the asteroid that is about to destroy the earth, he states, "We win, Gracie!" Love knows no sacrifice that is "too big." It does not stop at "woah, that hurts way too much to give that part of me away." Love gladly gives the deepest part of it away, without stopping. Scenes of Grace's life pass before her eyes, and the mystery of God is revealed in this scene (2 Corinthians 4). Love always wins. 

God's goodness is ultimately shown when he sacrifices Jesus for the sins of the world to be removed, and for the world to know truly who God is: Our Father. Let his sons and daughters rise. (John 3:16; Romans 8; John 1)

Today, I want to ask you have you stopped to smell the roses? 
What have you done for someone else today? (John 15:13)