
Zealous without knowledge

So, I got a word from my friend, Alice, during a Rick Pino Concert at Acts Church that I was like a Lion going so hard after God with power and strength and zeal, but it is God moving me forward so fast; then, I hit the Presence, I was filled with JOY. (Rick Pino is having a 50-hour worship night from March 2-4 in Austin, TX) I got to talking to my Sociology professor, and he reminded me of a quote in The Chronicles of Narnia that describes Aslan as not safe, but good. I knew everything in the presence of God would be good. So, yes, I can trust God!

This also reminded me of being a trumpet for the Lord. Calling out the wicked to come into the light, as Ephesians 5:11 says, "not to have anything to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather exposing them." Elijah was very zealous for the Lord. I want to be zealous, but with knowledge. Zeal with a good purpose, not just when certain people are around, but because God is around. My friend Austin Murray said that lack of love for God is the root of the fear of man. The fear of man can be overcome by power evangelism. Today, when I was at Carino's the Lord touched a woman with the Father's Love. It was beautiful. If you are a Christian you are a soul winner because you trusted and asked God for wisdom.

This is how it (abiding, doing) should be everyday. Everyday, allow yourself to actually "do" something, instead of the rushing and hurrying and the plowing through the day. Take one moment and REJOICE in what the Lord has done. Those who preach the word of God out of love need to be CONTINUALLY abiding; there is no other way to preach the gospel out of love. Wait for refreshing before preaching the gospel; my discipler and good friend once told me that she needs to repent before she tells someone about Jesus (acts 3:19).When preaching the gospel out of love, the Holy Spirit becomes your Comforter shield and protector. His faithfulness is never ending, and his mercies are never ceasing, new every second. Also, you are in a continuous overflow of prayer or commune with the Father.
 Ignorant zeal is worthless; 
   haste makes waste. 
Proverbs 19:2

This verse came to me after I cut a chunk of skin of my ankle when I was shaving. I decided to shave my legs even though I was running late. Since I made the decision at the last second, I proceeded to shave my legs quickly. And, of course, I felt the sting. Then, the blood started running. All over. I literally take a pad to step on so that my foot would not get blood all over the bathroom rug and tile. Finally, I bandaged my wound. Do not go up to people without a good purpose to share Jesus. It's worthless. So, now I told God that I would share Jesus with anyone he told me to, and not in a hasty manner. I ONLY have one agenda, and that's God's: to love. God's love can come in so many ways, and who am I to limit His love and mercy? His compassions are never failing. 

Acts 17:11 talks about how the Bereans tested everything that Paul preached to them about Jesus. They studied it for themselves. I hear the Spirit asking, Who do you say Jesus is? I know that he is I AM! Also, when I preached to this one guy. He said he knew Jesus, but said he was not a Christian after I preached the gospel. But, in this moments, you can always pray for the person.

God is moving on Baylor's campus! :)

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