
The Lord Loves Revealing Himself, Ways, Plans, and all he has prepared for us.

He loves it. He says if we seek Him, we will find Him, if we seek Him with all of our hearts. He also talks about fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding. Also, He said to boast in this: but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” So, I  think it's great. We get to search and understand matters of the Lord. I LOVE THAT. 

Oh, also, READ 1 CORINTHIANS 2!!! Wisdom through the Spirit!! You know I'm reading this book, How Then Should We Choose?, and it talks about three views on God's Will and Decision Making! We are under the LOVE, GRACE, the NEW COVENANT. So, now, we have wisdom through the Spirit, which I think is the "Relationship" view of making decisions according to  God's will. He said that he would reveal Himself, we want to have more. It's great that he tells us we can have as much as we want! That's great. We can know and understand his will as much as we want! I LOVE THAT. dang. 



James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds...

Decisions have become my "trials of various kinds." That's crazy! I know God is producing faith purer than gold, and I'm thankful! Lord, please continue to guide and give me clarity and peace during these times. I thank you and rejoice in you! You are amazing, and teach me everything. YOU ARE SO FFUNNNYYYY!


Teacher, Rabbi

Lord, teach us how to pray. This required them unlearning ways. I am ready to unlearn ways that I have been stubburnly stuck in to learn His perfect way. The realization that your way of giving grace isn't perfect is fearing the Lord. That HIS way of grace is perfect. Jesus said HE was the way, the truth, and the life; and that no one comes to the Father, but by HIM. I'm sorry for making Christianiy something where I defined the rules of my obedience, trust, and compassion. That's enough for today. We need teachers to rise up in my church. (Hebrews 6) I can teach, and I'm willing. So, I'm willing to go, and like Paul, to beat my body into subjection of the teaching, that I myself may not be disqualified. Self-gratification is not a biblical teaching. WHERE ARE THE CRIES FOR ANGUISH? Who will go?
Let the world say of Christians, how do they teach with such authority? It doesn't start in you, it starts with a broken, contrite spirit.



It's inevitable I can't control time. There is a time for everything, and I have to let the Holy Spirit take control with my time issues.
There's not enough time is a lie that many are following bait to. This is ABSOLUTELY not true, there is a time FOR EVERYTHING is what Ecclesiastes says. I will allow a time for laughing and a time for crying. Time is inevitable. We can't escape these times. I've tried to run out of the moment. It will come, just trust Him and his Spirit. Funny my love language is quality time. 


Bondage of Fear/Spirit of Fear

So, I realized this morning that fear had a huge impression on my life. I had a fear of sinning; and unfortunately, I measured up to my own religious standards. This put me in a horrible place, where I did nothing. My heart grieved the Holy Spirit, quenched it....told Holy Spirit... I can't feel you, so let me be my self-sufficient self to please God. The thing is without faith working through love, life is nothing. You can't please God, nor be in friendship with Him. I would be in this place, of what does this person think of me? Am I causing this person to sin? Am I being perfect? The trouble with this thought process is you can't get anything done! You spend your time thinking about things that need to be done to better yourself, but the Spirit of love, power, and sound mind has completely left in the sight of the Spirit of Fear.

Tuesday, I went to Christ for the Nations, and I met this prophet, let's just say he pointed people out in a crowd and prophesied over them. Anyway, I went up to him after service and he prayed over me. He prayed that the bondage of fear would leave, and that the Lord is not calling me to a comfortable life, but I life of adventure, but I had to take a leap of faith. He said it was like jumping out of an airplane. The sermon had been about going into deep, deep waters.

Saturday, I went to First Assembly of God Huntsville, and saw evangelist Sean Smith. His first sermon was about the spirit of fear and how it controlled us. I definitely struggled with the fear of man and fear of failure. Not good things. He told us that discouragement was the number one thing that steals dreams away from us. He talked about taking RISKS since that's the new way FAITH is spelled. God works when you take RISK. He doesn't when you are not acting because of fear. He reemphasized that it matters the way you live your life. Funny, he used the jumping out of the airplane analogy with God being your parachute.

He's whispering to me, Amy work with me, I'll give you the grace. I was telling God work with me, but God opposed me. I was taking upon my own yoke of selfish indifference or apathy and pride when I couldn't feel the authority and mindset of Christ. When you don't know who you are in Christ, you can't make eye contact with people, because you are under the law of sin and death, which is condemnation. If you try to back it up with a spirit of performance, or faking it, you will end up in a rut of a spiritual life.

My dear friend, Erica, spoke this over my life...unlocking this morning a new season in my life:
You are a woman of Excellence...you were born to be Great. You have such a charismatic/fun spirit about you. I see the Lord revealing the endurance you have always carried, and breathing life over areas of uncertainty in your heart. You are a carrier of wisdom, health, and power. I see you letting go of the need to manage how things happen or when, because I see you trusting your Father. 

god is good.


Wait, Wait, Wait... are you sure that the song goes...

"You make all things work together for my good" from Jesus' Culture's "Your Love Never Fails."

Yes, when I first  became a Christian, I must admit I didn't believe this. The song was so good until I got to that part. This was in like Fall of 2007. Anyway, so what ran through my mind was the lie that NO.. why would God do that? Why would he do that for me? Why would make things work out for MY good, not HIS good?

If you look at where this verse is in the Bible, it is smashed in the revelation of Paul's Romans 8... Man, talk about Oneness with Christ. Our Spirit groans inwardly and says hey I'll pray in the will of God, and guess what? It's for your good... since I know what's best for you, my son. And us sons, have to have faith in our adoption.

I didn't have faith in my adoption, I said to myself, that I am still separate from Christ because of my evilness. But  then, I remembered, I have been crucified. So, the creation will see the sons of God be revealed in this time. They will see the life and the light, and ultimately, how we walk in freedom and authority in our faith. Faith that we are so one with him, that we want what he wants. That we go where he leads. I'm saying I'm  ready for whatever you choose to do Lord.

Because you make all things work together for OUR good.
Thank you Jesus.


The War for Your Soul

Wow, just amazing how warfare can manifest itself into daily decisions. I am glad that I made a decision for myself today. I made the decision to stay. No one made it for me, including my emotions. But it's quite funny because when I wanted to go home, the people at home told me I can come home. All of a sudden I didn't want to. When the people at Baylor, THANK YOU BLAKE BURELSON, said I can withdraw, I suddenly wanted to. Just weird.

This is crazy. Life is crazy. Struggles are joyful. God is great.


losing my life daily

Then die today to all your own ways and means of saving yourself and commit the keeping of your life wholly to God’s care. He’s your good, loving Shepherd—and he is faithful to see you through all!
Fix your eyes on Jesus. He alone is our hope//from: GET INTO THE ARK

If we want to abide in Jesus, we must obey him. We can't have one without the other. We can't gain life if we stay where we are at, whether it be in our sin or in our mindsets of disbelief. Trusting in him means nothing is impossible for Him to accomplish what he has promised you. Better said than done. Also, we can't do  anything without abiding or obeying in Him.


a poem my 7 year old sister wrote to my dad

When I love you, you are gone. You are a lovable man. I love you when you are gone. 

insecurity lies where complacency hides

Inside my mind, I hear many cries.
One cry for justice.
One cry for the future.
One cry for my dad.
But, inside my soul I hear one cry.
For his presence. God's perfect love to...

For counselors of peace there is a future.
I don't want pride to steal my future. 
I don't want lies to steal my future.


I am looking forward to this new, but crazy turn in my life.
And I know God will take care of me; he loves it.

(steal can be replaced with destroy or kill)
(pride and lies can be replaced with sin, satan)


Behold the Man

John 19 7 The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”

The Bible is truly the greatest story ever written; it's great with English majors. So, here you can see that according to the Jewish law men had to die for blasphemy of God. We're under a new law; love. So if you want to claim yourself as a Son of God, as a daughter of the King, as a royal priesthood, as a holy nation, as a Christian.... you must die. Yes, die. But not physically, spiritually. Die to yourself and live under the new law, not the Jewish law. 

We have a new law. Because we claim to be Christians, according to the spirit, we must die to ourselves. This means we follow the spirit to grow in love. (2 Cor 5:17)


taste and see that the Lord is good

هو البابا للغير معروف.
My God will carry me just as a father carries His child. Even though this is a the end of a chapter in my life, it's the beginning of a new chapter. I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for my family. Let us draw near to the Lord, not ask why the Lord did this to me..... took my dad away from me.WE WILL OVERCOME... let this be a testimony to everyone about jesus..


Living Room Worship with United Pursuit Band - Oct. 6th

Indecency...Speak to Me!

If I say to God, this is indecency... you have to speak to me....you have to tell me something fresh, new. I go back to his promises that never fail; I look up to the hills, where does my help come from it comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. So, my spring break was pretty terrible. The thing about it is: I didn't do much, but procrastinate. The Lord said it's wise to count your days. I feel so convicted lately of just everything. But, I know God loves me too much to keep me broken. All I know, is that I need to keep pressing on, and not to quit on him. I always wondered if I was to fall away from the Lord, what would happen to me? I don't really want to think about that, because I never want to fall away from the Lord. He's just been way to good to me. I've been trying to become an atmosphere changer, but realized to be an atmosphere changer, I must be changed. I am. I know, because I don't like the same things I used to.

It's been a really tough college career. I'm not sure if this will ever end. As I look up at the blog I wrote, it's a bunch of I's...then I realize again, that it's not about me. It's not about him speaking to me, cause he already has spoken. Now, it's time for me to speak to other people, and share life with them...life and life abundantly. Now, that is decency.

Do you have the decency to share Christ with someone today?


Power of Believing in Yourself

So, even though other people believe in you and  encourage you,  does this matter? The answer is yes. My predicament comes down to this: many people have said I have great scholarship.  Do I believe this? Well, I used to struggle with it. But it  comes down to if you really want something. I do really  want this and not for bragging at all.  ::this as in becoming a doctor/inventor/missionary:: So, how? How do I do this daily and not get burnt out? The motivation will fade, the encouragement will fade, but the love for the process is what will stay. So, I am ready for a  new semester. This is a big deal. I'm ready for a big  deal in  my life. Becoming. Emerging. Here I am, LORD, help me hear your voice and walk in it.